Mediterranean Market & Deli

Address: 3942 South State Street

Telephone: 801-266-2011


District: Millcreek

“I feel a sense of responsibility to provide people with the things that are getting harder and harder to find,” Annette Raverino says with a warm smile. “I am really lucky.” Luck may have played a small part in Annette’s journey, but passion, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to tradition have been the true foundations of Mediterranean Market & Deli. Her story stretches back generations, rooted in the northern Italian Alps, a place where her mother was raised and where Annette spent time cooking with family.

“I was raised with polenta,” she recalls. “A lot of it. It was a peasant food then, but now people seek it out. My dad's side, near Genoa and Milan, had rice paddies, so we also had risottos. I grew up with the best of all things.” Her love for food was nurtured by her family, particularly her great-aunt in Italy, who taught her to cook during summer visits. “I would go into the kitchen and help her make polenta and chicken dishes. Those are such fond memories for me.”

Annette's Italian heritage eventually intertwined with a long-standing family connection to the very land Mediterranean Market sits on today. “My grandfather had a farm right here,” Annette explains. “Where I’m sitting now was once my cousins' home. They asked my grandpa if he would build a store for them, and in 1958, this market was born.”

Initially, Mediterranean Market was strictly a grocery store, run by Annette’s cousins, the Canaperis, who specialized in imported Italian goods. When they eventually sold the business, it passed into the hands of Norma Potts, an employee who kept it going for years. Annette, who was working as a teacher at the time, had long been drawn to the market. “I loved to cook, and of course, this was my family’s place. We were used to the homemade sausage and everything else that came with it,” she says. But it was not until a casual conversation with her mother that the idea of owning the shop ever crossed her mind.

“My mom said, 'Do you think Norma looks a little tired?' and I had to admit, she did,” Annette remembers. “So, I walked in and said, 'Norma, if you ever want to sell, give me a call.' I wrote my phone number down and didn’t think anything of it. Two weeks later, she called.” That call changed the course of Annette’s life. “I still remember exactly where I was when she asked if I was serious,” she says. “And I was.”

In 1987, Annette took over the market, balancing her role as a new mother with running a business. “I had a six-month-old at the time,” she recalls. “I put him in a backpack, came to work, and just figured it out. I didn’t know one thing about running a store, but I learned fast.”

Over the years, Annette adapted to changing times. When large grocery chains like Costco made it harder to compete, she shifted the focus to the deli. “We remodeled, added more tables, and started doing fewer groceries. It was the right move,” she says. Today, Mediterranean Market & Deli is beloved not only for its sandwiches but for its house-made specialties. “Our lasagna is by far the biggest hit,” Annette says. “That and our soups, which we make from scratch. And, of course, our homemade sausage. It’s still the Canaperis’ original recipe.”

In addition to the deli counters, the shop’s shelves are lined with carefully curated specialty items sourced from Italy and beyond. “I try to stock things you won’t find anywhere else,” Annette explains. She takes pride in sourcing these difficult-to-find Italian ingredients, constantly staying ahead of food trends. “You have to know what people want before they even know they want it,” Food Network, social media - people see something and suddenly everyone wants it. I keep my finger on the pulse.” There are imported vinegars and olive oils, high-quality canned tomatoes, and rare pasta shapes not found in regular grocery stores. “You can get De Cecco anywhere, but we carry the unusual cuts.”

Behind the deli counter, there is a wide selection of Italian cheeses, with their freshly grated Parmesan being one of the most popular items, as well as a rotating selection of hand-picked cheeses from small creameries in Wisconsin and beyond. “We don’t do pre-packaged cheeses here. You come in and get exactly the amount you need, cut fresh.” The shop also carries bulk polenta, specialty flours for pasta and pizza-making, “I go to food shows and if I taste something incredible, I track it down and bring it in,” she says. “That’s the fun part - finding those little things that make cooking special.” For meat lovers, Mediterranean Market offers high-quality salamis, pancetta, and prosciutto, along with carefully sourced pastrami and roast beef from a trusted producer near Logan. “I don’t carry just anything,” Annette says. “If it’s not good, I won’t sell it.”

Mediterranean Market & Deli sits in a neighborhood rich with history, including a surprising connection to fast food. “Right across the street was the first-ever Kentucky Fried Chicken,” Annette notes. “Harmon, the founder, used to come over and ask my uncle to break change for him. It’s funny to think about now.”

Despite running the business for over three decades, Annette still works five days a week. “I used to work six or seven days, but after my mom passed away, I started taking Saturdays off,” she says. “Other than that, I’m here. I still love it.” Annette's commitment extends past the food to her staff, some of whom have been with her for decades. “One of my crew members has been here for thirty years,” she says. “Two others have been here for over twenty. That’s rare in this industry.” And let's not forget her lovely daughter, Morgan, who has been working with her mom for years as well. 

There is no doubt that Annette has built a business defined by relationships. “I have incredible customers,” she says. “Some have been coming for generations. It’s an obligation and a privilege to keep providing them with what they love.” Annette does not advertise, her reputation spreads through word of mouth. “My dad used to tell me, 'Just do what you have to do. Don’t worry about everyone else.' And he was right. I focus on what we do best, and people keep coming back.”

Looking to the future, Annette knows the world of small businesses is changing. “I worry that one day, we’ll only have one grocery store chain, one meatpacking plant,” she says. “But that’s why people have to support their local places. We have better things, and if we don’t protect them, we’ll lose them.” For now, she remains dedicated to her customers, her staff, and the traditions that define Mediterranean Market & Deli. “It’s not just about me anymore,” she says. “There are so many people who rely on this place. And I’m just lucky that I get to do what I love every day.”


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